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The Lighthouse

Welcome to January!

This year we’re going in a direction we haven’t been before. But New Year, New Us isn’t quite the way to describe the changes you’re about to see. Black Girl Times isn’t switching up on y’all. We will continue to provide quality content focused on issues that matter to Black women, femmes, and folks from the southeast, written by humans who look like and care about us.

But it’s time for us to travel down some new lanes. Our GPS is loading. New website is coming. We’ve picked the perfect road trip buddies. Our seasoned staff, plus our new members, make the perfect team. And we’re hitting new spots along the way. Podcast and TikTok to name a couple.

The final destination is expansion. And we want y’all to ride with us. Expanding our audience. Expanding our impact. Expanding our relevance. So get ready to share all the upcoming goodness with your people. The journey starts now.

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