Legislative Tracker
Know How it Starts – Bill is introduced by legislative members.
Know What it Says – If you know what an elected official is proposing at this early stage of the process, you can be a part of the political action necessary to either support or advocate against its passage.
Know Where They Stand – Knowing where elected state and local officials stand on issues affecting the people they purport to serve is necessary to keep politicians honest. It’s one thing to run on a platform; it’s another to adhere to it once elected to office. This tracker is designed to help constituents know if their representative is doing the work they’ve been elected to do.
Know What’s Next – Once you understand what your representatives stand for (using voting records rather than speeches), the tracker can help inform your political action. Do you want to help get the person re-elected, work for a better candidate, or be more strategic in holding them accountable?
Know What Else Is Happening – This tracker is also designed to alert you to legislative trends across the nation states. Ever thought, “Wow! They’re always coming for women.’) A wider blanket of information makes you a better-informed citizen.