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The Lighthouse

On “Becoming”

When I learned Michelle Obama had written a memoir, I was excited and asked my mom to buy the book for me. Of course, my mom said “yes” and downloaded it. I took no time getting settled in and dived straight into the life story of one of my role models. 

Mrs. Obama wrote about her family roots and how she found her voice. She also wrote about the joys and pains of being the first Black woman First Lady of the United States. She says the experience was challenging, but it also humbled her. Once I began reading, I felt a sense of hope for the future. I figured if she can make it through all of the challenges she faced, I could also endure.

One thing that fascinated me about Obama’s story was her love for her family and the way she narrated her childhood experiences. She grew up in Chicago in an apartment just above her aunt’s. Her aunt was always generous toward Obama’s mother, but she was tough on Mrs. Obama, especially when she took piano lessons. Despite this, Mrs. Obama was inspired by the other students who took lessons. The sound of “people trying became the soundtrack of her life.” This quote inspired me because I always like to see others trying hard in band and in my dance classes. When I see that determination, it motivates me to try hard as well.

My overall opinion is that Mrs. Obama’s book was amazing! Her story engendered in me a sense of self-worth. She is ambitious and real, and she has accomplished so much. She is a lawyer. She was vice-president at a hospital and the director of a non-profit. She is also an author. Reading about and understanding her many roles and responsibilities let me know that there are no limits for me in life. I understand from reading about her that if I work hard, I can do anything I choose. Obama believes that growing up is not finite; reaching adulthood is not the end. Individuals get to keep growing and learning new things as they age.

I can only imagine how hard it is for Mrs. Obama to be in the public eye, even after leaving the White House. Many people consider her the most powerful woman in the world, and that must be a hard title to live with and live up to. Even in spite of all her accomplishments, so many people call her mean names or say that she is an “angry Black woman.” My mom told me that bullies come in all ages. Despite the ugliness directed at her, Mrs. Obama keeps her cool with people who have called her and her husband horrendous names. I’m sure she has been hurt, but she still manages to stay classy. That gave me the will to just keep calm no matter what people may say about me.

There were so many inspirational things that Mrs. Obama covered in this book. It is the best book I have read in a long time. If you are looking for an inspirational story or a person to look up to, I recommend this book by our elegant, smart, classy First Lady, Mrs. Michelle Robinson Obama.


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