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Black Artists, Black Art

Jeanette Miller

At The Lighthouse | Black Girl Projects, we love art. We especially love art created by Black women and girls. Because we here at TL|BGP believe in sharing the stories and lives of Black women and girls in their own words and through their own visions, we want to bring you the opportunity to explore Black women artists and their work both from long established artists and burgeoning new artists by highlighting a handful of these artists each month.

Black Women Artists to Follow, April 

Against an orange background, a dark woman tinted blue with a large afro and closed eyes

Sunkissed Soul, Jazmine McFadden. Acrylic on Canvas, 2019.

Jazmine McFadden, 31. Visual Artist. Founder, Art of Jaz. Jazmine works with acrylics and mixed mediums on canvas, presenting a sense of “realism, mysticism, and beauty.” Jazmine shows her work in Charlotte, NC, where she lives, as well as Atlanta and New York. You can also find her on IG at @jmcfadden_art.

Purple sculpture of Black woman's head and neck adorned with silver bamboo earrings, afro puffs, and thick eyelashes. The sculpture is made from synthetic braids.

BRIANNA, Murjoni. Ceramic, Hand Braided Synthetic Hair, 2020.

Murjoni Merriweather finds the best way to “create and talk about moments of Black bodies is through art.” Murjoni creates sculptures based on real people and real experiences with the purpose of addressing and eliminating stereotypes. Her clay work and ceramic, with synthetic braided hair, is evocative and moving, with significant attention to details. Murjoni is based in Maryland and her work can be seen at several galleries and on IG at @mvrjoni.

Orange-tinted image of Black man and woman, both wearing sunglasses, relaxing in front of a brick wall and orange flower.

Orange Crush. Tiara Freeman. Acrylic and Oil on Canvas, 2020.

Tiara Freeman uses plaster and oil paint on canvas to focus on Black love, nature and spirituality. Tiara creates work that is a representation of nature’s resilience and power. She’s currently working toward her BFA in Painting at Texas State University. You can find Tiara on IG @tiartista.

Amanda Gorman as she appeared on Inauguration Day, speaking into a microphone in front of an American flag waving in the wind.

Rebuild, Reconcile, and Recover. Jannessa. 2021.

Self-taught artist, Jennessa describes herself as an educator, activist, and mentor based in Central Massachusetts. She uses her art to amplify her voice and the “unheard voices of her communities.” Working primarily in acrylic she creates pieces intended to capture the beauty, strength, and resilience of BIPOC. You can find her on IG @jennessa_art.


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