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Hair Love | How Black Girls' Hair Influences Mental Health

Collage of diverse hairstyles and expressions set against a sunflower field. Text: "Be your own kind of BEAUTIFUL" and "HAIR." Vibrant and empowering.
Teach girls to love their crowns. It makes a difference. Image: Sirita Render 

A study led by (of course) a Black, female researcher proves what Black girls and women have always known: Hair is an important part of mental health, especially for Black girls. Inspired by her own hair experiences, University of Connecticut researcher, Adenique A. Lisse authored the study published by the journal, Body Image. In the study, girls entering grades 9 through 11 answered questions about their satisfaction over specific aspects of their appearance—hair being one. Lisse found Black girls, more than girls of other ethnicities, felt less satisfied with their hair. Black girls also experienced hair-related discrimination and feelings of depression connected to their hair. 

Isn’t this Obvious?  This news might seem like one for the water-is-wet-fat-meat-is-greasy files. However, having evidence of the importance of hair in the mental health of Black girls can be crucial evidence in creating policies and laws that protect our right to wear our natural hair textures. Only 25 states have passed the CROWN Act that offers legal protection for hair discrimination.

Affirm the Beauty of Black Hair Today

In the meantime, while we’re waiting for the research and the community to catch up with us, we can offer affirmations to the Black girls in our lives about their hair. Another study on Black girls and hair revealed Black girls are quite aware of what members of their community think about their hair. Participants described ”thinking positive thoughts” and relying on ”family support” as their primary strategies to feel better when they have negative hair experiences. Let’s show Black girls how to love their hair with our words or affirmation, our gifts, our time, our touch.

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