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Pandemic Year-End Gift Guide

I’ve always worked a lot. This year was no different. The pandemic required we shift the way we do most of our work at The Lighthouse and demanded we do some things we haven’t done before (like putting money aside specifically to give individual micro grants to people we work alongside who have been financially impacted this year). While working to take care of other people, I found a number of ways to take care of myself and cope with the heightened anxiety I’ve experienced this year. Retail therapy was one of those ways.

Yes, it’s banal, but sometimes stuff just makes me feel better. Because so many people were financially impacted by the coronavirus, I know retail therapy hasn’t been option for us all. I want to do something about that, so this year I’m going to do a drawing. Here’s what to do between now and Friday, December 18:

  1. Follow us on social media and/or subscribe to our mailing list

  2. Send a short essay or video to about the ways you’ve coped with the global year from hell. (Don’t forget to include your contact information in your submission.)

Then Tuesday, December 22, we’ll announce on social media the three people who should expect one of my favorite things in their mailboxes!

Check out Natalie’s Pandemic Year-End Gift Guide


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