![(Check out this month’s list of podcasts specially curated at The Lighthouse | Black Girl Projects. [Alphacolor])](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b099de_bf3cc84d816d4a3e83d10b3420353c9c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_654,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/b099de_bf3cc84d816d4a3e83d10b3420353c9c~mv2.jpg)
This month, we at the BGX have been reflecting on what it means to use where we’ve been to decide where we’re going. This list of podcast recommendations highlights folks who are great at reflection and planning, assessment and goal setting. Pop in your earbuds and pull up a chair because this month we’re setting the table for some good conversations.
Pink Lemonade Podcast Whitney B., a self-described self-improvement addict, brings us a podcast that provides “the perfect blend of transparency, inspiration and stories to help you seize the moment, and savor the process.”
Kale Salad Podcast Live from New Orleans, it’s E.D., the host of Kale Salad Podcast. When you tune into this podcast, you’ll find unfiltered and candid conversations between Black men and women about sex and relationships. The host normalizes talking out loud about sex and promotes self-awareness and self-confidence.
Coffee with Cream Podcast Hosts Bilqees Quick and Roda Omer engage in vulnerably confident conversations about what it means to be women in these ever-changing times. With topics ranging from love, friendship, spirituality and parenting, you’ll be sure to find an episode to help you process wherever you are in your journey.
Brunch & Bantu Knots Missing your brunch friends? Then this podcast is for you! Every Sunday, the hosts of this podcast bless us with a new episode. Over cocktails, three women have a lively discussion about fun, crazy and tough topics surrounding Black communities and culture.
Shaking the Table If you don’t know, don’t worry about it because LoloBeKnowin and in this podcast she creates a space for you to be introspective and real with yourself. If you’re looking for a place to bring your raw and unfiltered truths, then this podcast is for you.